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专业: 买球平台,政府和法律研究

小: 教育

地点: 马萨诸塞州的波士顿

最难忘的买球平台课: 内战文学与苔丝·查卡拉卡尔

"买球平台被证明是一个非常多才多艺的学位, 这已经转化为个人和职业发展的机会, 更重要的是人际关系, 哪些会继续积极地影响我的生活."


毕业后, I spent three years as an educator in two independent schools—Pomfret School and Berkshire School. 我的第一份工作, I taught American history (and created the school’s first ever African-American history course), 共同领导学校的社会正义课程, 协助指导女子大学篮球队和男女混合田径队 & field teams, and served as the interim co-director of diversity, 股本, and inclusion. I went on to become the director of multicultural recruitment at Berkshire School for a year before accepting my current job and moving to Boston. 我目前是史宾沙公司人力资源猎头部门的一名助理, 全球领导力咨询公司. 我招聘人力资源和多元化人才, 股本, 和包容性高管, co-lead the Boston office’s JEDI [Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion] organization and programming, 协助内部人才招募团队完成各种DEI计划.



类: 2015

地点: 洛杉矶,加州

主要(s): 买球平台

A quick glance at my career may suggest my 买球平台 education is absent however the themes studied and connections made while studying in the department drive the content of all my work.


Six days after Commencement I was boarding a plane to Los Angeles to pursue my passion for filmmaking. I am currently working in the president’s office at TGroup Productions as an Executive Assistant. My current role allows me to learn the business behind television production while still giving me time to work as an independent filmmaker. 就在最近,我和我的团队在华盛顿特区导演并制作了一部短片.C.



类: 2014

地点: 德国波恩

主要(s): 买球平台

2014年5月毕业后, 马克在贝茨学院做了两年的招生顾问. 他目前住在波恩, 德国, 并通过富布赖特项目担任英语助教, a U.S. 国务院拨款,促进文化和语言交流.



类: 2014

地点: 曼哈顿,纽约

主要(s): 买球平台

My coursework in the 买球平台 department challenged me to think critically about racial disparities in our society.


毕业后, I began working as a Trial Preparation Assistant in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office. 在这个职位上,我帮助六位助理地区检察官处理他们的案件. 这包括起草法律文件, 与执法人员协调, 旁听证人和受害者的谈话. My coursework in the 买球平台 department challenged me to think critically about racial disparities in our society, 特别是在刑事司法系统中. My work at the DA's office affords me a unique perspective into this pressing issue.



类: 2000

地点: 新泽西纽瓦克

主要(s): 买球平台

Mr. Short于2003年获得William and Mary School of law的法学学位. 他现在是麦卡特律师事务所的合伙人, 并在知识产权法的各个领域进行实践, 代表客户处理与专利有关的纠纷和交易, 商标, 商业外观, 版权及商业秘密, 以及不公平的贸易/商业行为, 网络法律和数据隐私问题.



类: 2000

地点: 纽约,纽约

主要(s): 买球平台

Ms. 戴维斯是纽约温室生态清洁公司的创始人和总裁.



类: 2014

地点: 亚特兰大,乔治亚州

主要(s): 买球平台, 生物学

特蕾西Shirey说 graduated from Bowdoin in 2014 with a double major in biology and Africana studies, 来自滑铁卢, IA. She is currently enrolled in the MD program at the Emory University School of Medicine in 亚特兰大,乔治亚州.


买球平台毕业后, 特蕾西在华盛顿待了两年, DC, 她是惠特曼沃克健康中心艾滋病联合组织的美国服务队成员, 专门从事LGBT和艾滋病毒护理的社区卫生中心. 她提供艾滋病毒检测和咨询服务, 为艾滋病毒阳性男子和妇女的支持小组提供便利, 协调了一项针对新诊断为艾滋病毒感染者的同伴指导计划, 对个人进行艾滋病毒/性传播感染检测方面的培训, 街外展, 以及性教育. 为了她的医学训练, Tracy knew that she wanted to attend an institution that recognized the importance of both science and service in the study of medicine. She chose Emory because the main training ground of its medical students is Grady Hospital, which is one of the few public hospitals remaining in the country and representative of the University’s commitment to provide healthcare to all residents of Atlanta, 不管他们的支付能力如何.



类: 2017

地点: 达勒姆数控

主要(s): 社会学

小(s): 买球平台

我是杜克大学社会学专业的博士生. 现在, 我正在努力完成学位的课程, 但我最终希望研究移民问题, 比赛, 以及讲西班牙语的加勒比地区的政治, 以及美国移民的身份形成.

你的职业是什么?? 你目前的工作是什么(角色和职责)??

我是杜克大学社会学专业的博士生. Prior to starting graduate school I was a paralegal for a law firm in Massachusetts that specialized in family- and business-based immigration law. My role was to assist the family-based side of the practice and work directly with foreign nationals tying to achieve lawful status and make a life for themselves in the United States. 我希望用这段经历来指导我自己的研究和未来的工作.

How has your Bowdoin education and experience helped you and informed the work that you do?

买球平台, 我从来不觉得自己是为了学习而学习, and my classes and my work always felt purposeful and related to real-world issues. 我觉得这真的为我的研究生之路奠定了基础, and I hope to take this same approach to the work that I am doing and hope to do in the future, 尤其是在种族问题上, 身份, 和归属感.

学习社会学和人类学是否影响了你的观点, 专业, 或其他)? 如果有,如何?

学习社会学使我更加了解周围发生的事情, 让我看到了很多有时被认为是理所当然的问题. My research has also taught me that there's always more than one way to look at a problem, and to keep an open mind when thinking about a particular issue or research question because sometimes what we think is going on or what we perceive from the outside doesn't reflect what is actually happening. 就我个人而言, what I like most about the field is that it gives me the tools to address questions that I had already been asking my whole life, but it allows me to do so while drawing from a variety of perspectives and approaches to get a fuller picture.

一两个事件是什么, 那些在买球平台大学期间让你印象深刻的课程或人物?

买球平台的日子里,有两件事让我印象深刻,那就是我的导师, 是谁为了和我一起工作了四年, 挑战我, 让我成为一个更好的学生和社会学家, 和我一起上理论课 Dr. 西奥格林, which was the academic catalyst that pushed me toward doing independent research and considering graduate school more seriously.


Make the most of your time at Bowdoin and don't be afraid to do things that challenge you!